Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Some obnoxious, horrible person put the partial manuscript for Midnight Sun (Twilight from Edward's perspective) on the internet. Stephenie Meyer is so devistated by this abuse of her trust, not to mention copyright laws, that she will no longer work on it and possibly never finish it. Who is up for a lynch mob with me? This person should be skinned alive and boiled in hot oil!!
Stephenie posted the illegal version on her website (what more damage could she do?) so you should definitely check it out. It may be the only chance you get to read it. The killer of it is... the draft stops just before the scene in the clearing. Bugger!!!


Meeker home said...

Okay I didn't even know Stephenie was writing Midnight Sun but that is totally annoying. I'll have to read it online...

Generational stitcher said...

IT's SO GOOD TOO!! I used my whole rest of my day reading it...

yamsey said...

I love you Heather! =)