John and I have been watching "Lost" since day one of season one. We have survived all of the really boring episodes as well as the many nail biters. As far as this season goes, I have to admit that I am ... well, lost. Between the survivors and the others, the "good g

uys" on the ship and the "bad guys" on the ship, the reappearances of people wh

o are supposed to be dead (Jack's dad and Charlie), and Harley in a mental institution (is he crazy or the only one sane?), I am completely confused! If anyone has any theories or deep understanding of what in the world is going on in this show, I would love to hear it.
I am NO help...sorry! If you figure it all out though, do let us know!!
I started to watch this show in season 2 and quickly perceived that the title "Lost" was referring to the writing, not the plot of the show.
For a show that delighted itself on being so unpredictable and full of twists, they just got a little twist-happy and just made it unbearably stupid an unbelievable.
Thanks Sam, I'm glad I am not the only one who feels that way.
Check out the lost message boards on abc.com. SOmetimes they are helpful, but I agree I am lost as well...
The Quinns LOVE Lost... Some of our neighbors let us watch seasons one and two on DVD... so we got spoiled, but it DID help get us hooked! we got kinda lost in season three, but since the writer's strike is over, it certaily looks like we're getting a lot of answers... Like with faraday and Desmond's back story, and the Oceanic six revealed. The folks that keep popping up... Like Mr Whitmore, and Mr Adobe (the black guy who organized the freighter (definately a time traveler like ben...) look like they will bring this thing to a close...
If you watch the episodes on-line, look at a lot of the notes and pop-ups on the HD version... gives a lot of clues...
For example the six toed foot of the Colossus and Smokey (the monster that Ben Controls)
I'm guessing that the Island warps again (like it did after Desmond stopped the electromagnet warping), and then it will set up the end-game, where Ben gets Whacked.
Also, I'm guessing the guy in the casket for Jack's flash forward at the end of season 3 was John Locke (who's last name happens to be O'Quinn)
Anyway, we anxiously await the season finale on Thursday... Take care!- Jake Quinn
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