Thank goodness the hospital is only five minutes away! The woman at the reception desk took a look at my face and heard James struggling to breathe and sent us right back to see a nurse. They asked me a few questions and then got James settled in a bed with a breathing treatment. James was exhausted and scared and would not let me put him down. I didn't want to let him go either so we sat on the hospital bed for a while as the breathing treatment helped him a little and we waited to see the doctor. The resident came in and figured out pretty quick that we had been through this before and that this was bad. She gave him a nebulizer treatment and suggested we get chest x-rays to make sure it wasn't pneumonia. The neb helped (when he finally got it at 1:00 am) and for the first time James perked up a little bit and started talking. I finally started breathing, myself.
By the time the tech came to take us for x-rays, James was downright chatty. He held still for the x-rays and when the tech put them up on the lighted board to check them out, James said, "It's General Grievious!" I started cracking up. Thanks heavens the lab tech was a Star Wars fan!

OMG, my poor little nephew boo! Why is he so susceptible to this??? Poor baby. :(
I HATE CROOP!! It's so hard on their little bodies! Glad he's doing better now though!
Yikes! You have as bad as luck as I do when it comes to sick he better now?
We are all doing much better now. Although James still insists he saw General Grievious at the hospital!
poor thing! So sad when your kids get sick, you wish you could just do it for them. I hope it passes quickly.
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