I found a really cool blog (I wish I still had the address to it) that was all about lists: to do lists, grocery lists, lists of requirements for future spouses, etc. It inspired me to make a list of things that I may not get to do in this life but that I plan to do in my future lives - with the pretense of course that I believe in reincarnation.
1) Perform on Broadway. I mean seriously dedicate my life to acting - waitress for my living and everything.
2) Be a foreign diplomat in Russia. I have actually been there and I spent some time with a family who lived in the US embassy in Moscow. It would be crazy but so cool!
3) Work for the FBI. I have always been curious. I know it is not as glamorous as it is shown in the movies but I would love the traveling.
4) Be a lounge singer or sing with a big band - not like some skanky Jessica Rabbit type, more like Billie Holiday. She is the best!
5) Sing with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Shhhhh, don't tell anyone. I actually don't want to live in Utah, but to be able to spend all of my time singing with fabulously talented musicians and traveling the world in the process would be amazing!
Ooooh, this is fun...
1) Be a superspy for the government and then go into business for myself.
2) Be a liege knight of King Arthur and have my own castle, land, retainers and vassals.
3) Join a revolution. Don't sell out.
4) Be a brilliant statesman-philospher. Rock climb and scuba dive in my spare time. Something along the lines of Henry David Thoreau-meets-Sir Richard Branson.
Well, I wasn't thinking about other time periods. I may have to revise my list. Hmmm...
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