I have a real issue with smokers. As we were driving around today, the driver in the car in front of us rolled down his window and tossed out a crumpled cigarette package. I almost got out of my car to knock on his window to politely return his trash but decided against it at the last moment. I wish I had done it!
In a country where a growing percentage of our population is obsessed with "going green" and recycling everything from water bottles to toenails, you would think that littering would be one of the first bad habits to go! Later, when I stopped to pick up some milk at the market, I stepped out of my car and onto another crumpled cigarette package. Honestly, people! And don't even get me started on cigarette butts being thrown all over the place!!
Smokers complain about the rising cigarette taxes. I say, raise them sky high! If the people who intend to smoke the cigarettes are incapable of putting their own trash where it belongs they deserve to at least pay the state enough money to hire someone to do it for them!
Yeah...littering bugs the crap out of me. How hard is it to take your garbage to a garbage can??
I'm sorry, smokers, but I'm REALLY glad that 4 out of 5 of the states I've lived in have outlowed smoking in public places (UT, MN, OH, TX,...but not Alaska). It makes it SOOOO much nicer to go to a restaurant. Or to go bowling.
see, ms erin, you should move to dc! smoking's illegal in public places here, too.
So true! Except to comment on your first comment...smoking in TX is not allwed in restaurants but it still happens in bowling alleys. They do have "smoke free hours" but the place still smells like an ashtray. It's a shame I can't tkae my kids bowling!
As my whole family smokes I can't really bash on smokers. My dad once said to me, "I don't believe smoking causes lung cancer. If it was really dangerous, the government would outlaw it." Um, hello, your ex-wife just passed away from lung cancer?
Regardless, though, it is one thing to suffer from an addiction and quite another to litter...
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