I love this time of the year. Sam is done with sports for a while and the weather is nice enough to actually enjoy being outside. Last weekend John dragged me out for an eight mile bike ride down Kelley Drive and around the art museum.

Yes, he does know that I am pregnant, he just thinks it is good for me. I survived but I was ready to keel over after mile #3. Good thing I got a second wind.
This weekend we had even more adventures. Saturday morning we drove in to the Wanamaker building to hear Richard Elliot, the organist

for MoTab, play the largest pipe organ in the world. It has over 28,000 pipes and is estimated at being worth $71 million dollars and it sits in the middle of a Macy's department store. It was a really amazing concert- even John and the boys loved it.

The coolest part was walking into Macy's and hearing "Come, Come Ye Saints" (yes, we were late) echo throughout the building. The best part, the concert was free.
After the organ concert we took the boys to Friendly's for their free ice cream day. Yum.
Our next adventure was the Strawberry Festival at Linvilla Orchards. We went on a hay ride and picked a couple pounds of strawberries. You should have seen how happy the prospect of eating all of those strawberries made James! Grand total for this adventure? $6.75, the cost of the strawberries.

We rounded out our day by a trip to a different Friendly's for another FREE ice cream cone. Double Yum!

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