Have you seen this lamby?

Lamby the Sheep went missing late Thursday morning according to officials. When best friend of Lamby, James, was asked about her disappearance, giant tears welled up in his eyes as he said, "I want Lamby to come home soon!"

Lamby was last seen in her home, but after searching everywhere her family can not find her.
If you have seen Lamby or heard from her please contact the authorities as soon as possible. James misses her dreadfully!
Sorry, we have not seen Lamby here in Idaho Falls, but hope you can locate her soon!
Actually, we were wondering what your new home address is. Would you please email it to me @ brittnystevens1007@gmail.com?!
We lost bear once for 2 days and it was a rough 2 days! We found him in the bottom of a hamper in the spare room. Good luck I hope he is found before you leave for Utah.
Oh no! How can Lamby be missing? Poor Mister James! I hope Lamby comes home soon. :(
Poot thing, I hope you find him soon. It is no fun to lose you BFF. :(
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