I have been remiss about my posts lately, I guess I can blame it on Phillies fever. What with the World Series Championship and Halloween, I have completely lost my head!
So here is a quick update through pictures of our last two weekends.

Last weekend we held our first annual Pumpkin Party ala Austin and Emily Gray. The Grays started throwing pumpkin parties when we were all in the singles ward together. When we were all married and had kids the parties continued... until they moved. We miss the Gray's and the parties so we decided to start our own. (If you didnt get an official invite, please don't feel bad, my brain was on serious hiatus for the last few weeks. For future years please know the party is open to anyone and everyone we know. You just might have to ask me when it is as my brain seems to have ceased functioning about 3 years ago.)

This is a new family in our ward from Sweden. It was their first Halloween and their first pumpkin carving experience.
These are our neighbors. The kids got to do some cookie decorating and pumpkin painting.

Who knew we could fit so many people in our attic at one time!!
This weekend was crazy! After the Phillies win on Wednesday night (finally!) I spent 2 hours in Modell's - a local sporting goods store - getting World Champions t-shirts for the family on Thursday. Then Friday while I took Sam to his school Halloween parade and party, John took James into the city for The Parade.

There were over two million people on the streets of Philly on Friday for the parade. It was a giant sea of screaming fans bedecked in Phillies red. It was apparently so exciting that James... fell asleep.

That night we took the kids out trick-or-treating for Halloween. Sam was Obi-wan Kenobi and James was Darth Vader (only because we couldn't find a Darth Maul costume in a kid's size and I was to lazy to make one).
And because Sam and James were dressed up, Zebra and Lamby had to dress up too! Zebra was a reindeer and Lamby was a one eyed pirate. Too fun!
Wish we could have been at that parade. It looked like so much fun on the news. Go Phillies!
We understand the craziness! Your boys are so cute!
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