Did you date someone from your school? For the most part I did a ton of group dates and hung out with friends. I did have one official boyfriend from my school, Scott M. But that was before I was 16 and could only do group things anyway. Later I had a couple almost boyfriends but those kind of ended before they began. Which was a good thing.
What kind of car did you drive? A 1973 Plymouth Duster. It had a turquoise interior and peeling grey paint on the body. The thing was made of solid steel
and my dad figured it was a safe car for me. I named it Daisy the Destroyer.

Were you a party animal? No. But I loved hanging out with my friends.
Were you considered a flirt? I am not really sure. I know I was in college. High school??? I think I was still too shy to flirt too much.
Were you a nerd? I was a self proclaimed choir and theater geek. Does that count?
Were you on any varsity teams? Nope, unless you count Trilogy (our elite choir) as a varsity team. =)
Did you ever get suspended or expelled? No. However, I did get pulled out of class once and yelled at by the police officer we had on campus to deal with truancy and bad behavior. I skipped seminary to go to lunch with some friends and previously mentioned boyfriend. My mom thought it would be a good lesson for me. Rude! ( I still love you though, mom!)
Who were your favorite teachers? I had oh, so many! I guess I was a nerd. I will always have a special place in my heart for Mr Lister (our choir teacher) and Mr Eaton (our drama teacher). They were more like surrogate fathers than anything. Mrs. Hazen was by far the coolest English teacher ever. I am so sad that she retired. Mr. Palmer who taught AP US Studies is another one of my favorites. His class was tough, but occasionally we would get him off topic and he would tell us stories of when he was in high school and college and would be doing stupid things like running from cops for pool hopping or something, while wearing flip flops. I think he is the principal or vice principal now.
Could you still sing the fight song? Absolutely! Since my mom taught at my school, I have known that song since I was little. I could even still sing the second and third verses with a little help. I could also do some of the cheers from the football games.
Where did you sit during lunch? It changed every year. One year it was the seminary building, another it was the choir room, another the hallway near the gym, and occasionally in my mom's office.
What was your school's full name? Pine View High School.
Did you go to Homecoming? Yes.
What do you remember most about graduation? Senior year I hung out with friends from a rival high school (gasp!) so I mostly remember them coming to my graduation and me going to theirs. I also remember the party after graduation. That was the first time I had ever seen a hypnotist in action. I have never laughed so hard!
Where did you go senior skip day? My friend Jen and I went dress shopping in Las Vegas.
Were you in any clubs? Drama club of course. I was also in the National Honors Society.
Have you gained some weight since then? Yes and then lost significantly more and then gained some back again after I had kids. I am probably about what I weighed in high school right now, maybe a little less.
Do you plan on going to your 10 year reunion? See, this question just shows how old I am! I already WENT to my 10 year reunion. It was actually surprisingly fun and of course, I always enjoy a reason to go home and see Mom and Dwane.
This was so fun to read. I learned a lot about you! (Love the car!)You've got me doing all sorts of reminiscing...
LESS than what you weighed in high school? You are my hero!
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