Tuesday, September 30, 2008
can you tell we are theater people?

Monday, September 29, 2008
this week on blogger...
I have no idea why I took this picture but I am so glad I did!! This is a picture of two of my most favorite women ever: Grammy Bach (my mom's mom) and Sonnett S. (one of my dearest friends from high school). Grammy was a huge influence in my life. She forced me to take sewing lessons -for which I will be eternally grateful - and she always encouraged me to develop my talents and explore my interests. The summer I got engaged and was preparing to go to Russia for a semester she sat me down to express a concern. "Honey, you can not wear that ring to Russia. I am afraid someone will try to take it. Let's go look through my jewelery upstairs and see if we can find you a smaller diamond to take." After a couple hours of sorting through her jewelery and hearing stories about all of the individual pieces she realized, to her chagrin, that all of her rings had rocks the same size or bigger. She ended up giving me a plain gold band to wear. Another thing I love about Grammy is that she used to have a huge garden of roses in her back yard in St. George. We would spend many days in the summer cutting roses from her garden to take home or to friends. She loved to spread beauty.
Sonnett was a kindred spirit from the day we met. Which is actually a funny story. We met at young women's camp one summer when we were in middle school. She was not in our ward but had come with a friend, someone I didn't really hang out with. I ended up switching tents so that I could share with them and we could hang out. We spent every night singing and chatting and singing some more and being overly dramatic as only two theater obsessed jr high girls can be!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
high school flashback

Monday, September 22, 2008
In my mind what we need now is a leader who is honest, intelligent, with lots of experience in the financial sector, not swayed by special interests, having no personal vendettas, and with the ability to work with both parties to get the country back on a good course...or at least a course better than we are now. That shouldn't be too hard, should it? Unfortunately, that description doesn't match either of the candidates. I am disappointed that a primary race which was so exciting, with so many possibilities, has been whittled down to this hopeless affair.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Congrats Tyler and Rebecca
Welcome to the family baby Theo!! We can't wait to meet you.
Friday, September 19, 2008
poll this!!
Case and point:
"Poll: People prefer Obama over McCain as teacher
By ALAN FRAM, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) — If this election were about which candidate people wanted as their child's schoolteacher, Barack Obama would be moving to the head of the class. They'd also rather watch a football game with him, but only by inches."
My question... who freaking cares! They are not in a contest for most likable teacher of football buddy, they are in an election to become the president of the United States. Someone should fire this pollster (and the AP guy who is stupid enough to write about it) and hire someone that will ask some real questions! Maybe a poll on ideas to reverse the nosedive our economy is in right now.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Are you ready for some FOOTBALL???!!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008
playing grown-up
The one highlight of the meeting, beside the really great special musical number by a new sister in the Chester Branch, took place during the closing hymn. While I was busy waving my arms around I saw one of our wonderful West African brothers from the 1st ward, Quilly, standing in the back holding my friend Christina's new baby boy. Quilly is one of the most big hearted people I know and you could tell by his expression that he was loving his time with little Issac. I wished I had had my camera with me. I would have stopped conducting just to take a picture of them together. It was a priceless moment. I miss seeing Quilly's big smile every Sunday. Heck, I miss my Philly 1st ward!!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
favorite soundtracks
1. Last of the Mohicans
2. Braveheart
3. Moulin Rouge (even if you hate the movie, you gotta admit the music was awesome! Who knew Ewen McGregor could sing?)
4. Avalon
5. The Mission
6. Star Wars
7. Somewhere in Time
8. Schindler's List
9. The Lord of the Rings
10. The Godfather
Don't agree? Let me see your list.
Monday, September 8, 2008
the big green

Samuel and Samuel - who knew the name was so popular?
Halftime team meeting. Are they really listening?
With the games being only 4 on 4, Sam actually had a chance to kick the ball.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
the work of faith
Anyway, regardless it is something I would like to improve about myself. As I was reading a friend's blog today I was thoroughly impressed by his ability to unabashedly bear his testimony to his friends and blog readers. It was so amazing that I thought my friends should read it too! http://www.whiteeyebrows.com/why-i-choose-to-be-religious/ I just hope he doesn't shoot me for sharing.
So as you read through his account, just pretend you can hear me talking. He managed to say exactly how I feel about the gospel but in a way far more eloquent than I would ever manage.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Sam's first day of Kindergarten

Stephenie posted the illegal version on her website (what more damage could she do?) so you should definitely check it out. It may be the only chance you get to read it. The killer of it is... the draft stops just before the scene in the clearing. Bugger!!!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008