My kids have hit a whining spell lately and it is driving me CRAZY! So this is a plea to all you parents out there and those of you with younger brothers and do you make it stop? Most of the time I can calmly remind them that they need to ask for things without whining. I can be adult about it even. But for the past few days I haven't been sleeping well and all I want to do is pull out the duct tape and make them stop! I wouldn't, but the thought does have it's appeal. I know the situation is reaching critical condition because Samuel is starting to whine at other people and not just me! Ack! MAKE IT STOP!!!
So if any of you have any ideas, suggestions, comments, phone numbers for hit and run duct tape guys, please, please, PLEASE share!

Print this sign out and tell them what it means and post it EBERYWHERE!! My kids are in it too. The summer sleeping is hard on them. When I can darken their rooms enough for them to sleep at 8 then they do much better, does not equal task at hand right now...I guess I am not much help huh? Also, they know things are changing with the move and can probably feel your residual stress....Tell John you get tomorrow off...sleep...that helps me :) Hang in there!
This is the one thing I have actually succeeded at. (I fail at all other parental skills on a daily basis) All I do is say, like a broken record, "I don't speak whine" "My ears can't understand whine" and I don't stop until she changes the sound of her voice. Of course, there's only one of her... I don't know what it would be like to be ganged up on...
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