Monday, June 30, 2008
Fear is such a strong motivator for why we do or don't do things in our life and I was really concerned that James would learn that it was okay to succumb to that fear. My mind had flashed forward to James in school, being too afraid to try for sports or music or anything he wanted because he was afraid of failure. I know it seems silly to some that I was so concerned with something as trivial as riding a bike, but part of my job as a mom is to teach him that even when he falls, he needs to get back up and try again, no matter how daunting the task or how scared he may be.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
The Star-Spangled Banner
Oh, Thus be it ever, when free men shall stand
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave

Friday, June 27, 2008
good days, bad days

Wednesday, June 25, 2008
family fun

Monday, June 23, 2008
tooth fairy
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Myrtle Beach

This last picture is the solution John (the I-will-only-make-one-stop-on-this-10-hour-drive Nazi!) came up with for the boys instead of stopping to use a suitable restroom. When I was a kid my dad at least pulled over on the side of the road. My, how things have changed!
Monday, June 16, 2008

Halloween costumes, old school style! Tyler was Yoda in case you were wondering.
Stay tuned. As I make it through more pictures there will be many more memories to share.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Erin needs...
Erin needs...
a drink (so true, too bad I don't drink- oblivion would be good right now!)
a liver transplant (I sure hope not! See above)
another miracle (amen!)
to wear shirts (ummmm...)
some love and support (doesn't everyone?)
a tv show (that would be pretty dull for you guys)
a boyfriend (I don't think John would agree with that! Or maybe he would...)
help (obviously)
to eat a sandwich (come to think of it, I am hungry)
Since I had so much fun with that (sorry if you didn't), I did it for John too!
John needs...
help (him too, huh?)
to embrace family values (actually he's pretty good at that)
a good nickname
to get his patootie back here (he he he he he!)
an iPhone (is that really a need?)
13 bottles of water (umm, okay????)
our prayers
rest (don't we all!!!)
an iron (yes, but can he use it)
lunch money (if you know John this is really funny!)
a haircut (too true! I guess it is time to make an appointment)
Go on, you know you want to try this yourself!
I don't like whining, it makes me GRUMPY!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Happy Birthday Samuel!

Samuel's first official photo.
All hail the birthday king! Samuel at age 1.
Sam just after his 2nd birthday. Swimming in Utah at Grandma Liz and Grandpa Dwane's house.
Samuel with Aubrey on his 3rd birthday.
Exhausted (yeah, right) after a day of partying, Samuel at age 4.
Here is Samuel yesterday at his party sitting next to his future wife (his words, not mine... although I thoroughly approve!).
Samuel is my sweetheart. The quote of the day came from him as he was trying to talk me into a second piece of his 4-layer R2D2 cake as well as an ice cream sandwich, "To be your sweetheart I need to eat lots of sweets." Gotta love his logic! Samuel has an incredible imagination and a loves his family and friends unconditionally. And just for fun, here are a few pics of Sam just being Sam...

Saturday, June 7, 2008
Domestic Goddess

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
my life in a movie
After they had been doing this for about 20 minutes another little boy, about Sam's age came over to see what they were doing. Here is the conversation that ensued:
Boy: "You're not supposed to do that. Those sticks are on the ground so that it is soft and you don't get hurt. You are going to get in trouble."
At this point he noticed John and I sitting on a nearby bench.
Boy: "They're not supposed to do that."
I smiled in response and the boy began cleaning off the slides.
At this point Samuel joined the conversation, probably objecting to this boy interrupting their fun. I couldn't hear what was said until the boy turned again to John and I and said,
Boy: "My dad's bigger than that dad."
I busted up laughing. So did John. So did another dad standing nearby. I thought that was only something kids said in the movies!