Last night John and I went to a New Year's Eve party at his friend's home. A bunch of John's frat brothers from college were there. There was also party hats and noise makers, lots of food and desserts and plenty of alcohol for those who wanted. (John and I drank soda.) At midnight there was a champagne toast (we toasted with water bottles) and we all watched the ball drop in NYC. It was a fun change from our usual New Year's routine - falling asleep on the sofa before midnight while watching tv - but also a very different crowd then we are used to.

My new years resolutions (not necesarrily in this order):
1. Exercise on a regular basis so I can lose that extra 10 pounds.
2. Have more patience with the kids.
3. Actually make dinner more than once a week.
Wish me luck!
Wow those sound like my resolutions too! Good luck I'll let you know how mine go...
Good luck!!!
Not sure why you're losing the ten pounds, though... You look mighty-fine to me! :D
I was going to say the same thing about the 10 pounds, but look, someone beat me to it!
I like the making dinner more than once a week idea. Ty and I need to work on that, too. We actually have some really good, tasty, but low-prep-level recipes that we can trade, if you'd like! One is for the easiest (no-meat) chili ever. Mmmmmmm.
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