I don't know what it is but people conversing with pregnant women forget that such a thing as tact exists. So I have compiled a list of things said to me and to friends that you should NEVER EVER say to a pregnant woman. Are you taking notes? Good!!!
--Wow! You are HUGE!
--Are you sure you're not having twins/triplets/octuplets?!
--You're having ANOTHER one?
--Your face looks swollen.
--Have your ankles always been that big???
--You are only 20 weeks? Man! You are as big as my wife and she is due any day now!
-- Do you feel like a whale? You sure look like one! (Yes, someone actually said this!)
--Just wait till the next one...
In case you are wondering there are a few things you can always say to a pregnant women that will make them love you forever.
--You look great!
--Are you sure you are six months pregnant? You look like you are only 3!
--You are tiny!
Honestly, if you don't know what to say, remember what your mother always taught you. "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."