Top 10 Favorite Things About our New House
10: Central Air (enough said)
9: Our BIG closets - the kids actually play in them and pretend that their closet is a little house.
8. My kitchen. It is the first time when we have actually had enough cupboard space to put food in the cupboards as well as dishes.
7. Having a living room and a family room. We spend most of our time hanging out in the family room (maybe because we don't really have furniture in the living room) so the living room stays nice and clean for when we have company.
6. Having an actual laundry room and on the first floor to boot!
5. The garage. Even though I can't actually put my van in it (believe me I tried and have the scraped bumper to prove it (although my attempt was during a torrential downpour/lightning storm)) it is very convenient to store our junk and a great way to get in and out of the house. Plus, the kids are fascinated by the automatic doors.
4. Having more than one bathroom. This is KEY when you have two little boys who always seem to need to go when someone else is already using the bathroom.
3. It is so pretty! It really is.
2. Our new neighbors. Gotta love them! We had one helping us trying to unstick the moving van, another who came over to trim the trees in our backyard because I mentioned that we wanted to do it at some point, and the neighbors next door with two little boys and a swing set that we are welcome to play on any time.
1. Location! Location! Location! We are much closer to John's work, his parent's house (a good thing, I promise) and all of the stores where we like to shop. Ironically we are further away from the stake center now that it is actually our building, than we were in our last house.